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Re: gEDA-user: importing geda footprint files into fritzing

On Tue, 04 May 2010 09:12:15 +0200, Jonathan Cohen wrote:

> We're just adding a new feature to Fritzing that enables us to import
> gEDA .fp files so they can also be used as Fritzing footprints.

Every piece of open source compatibility helps to prevent vendor login.

May the source be with you.

Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
UniversitÃt Hannover, Inst. fÃr Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211	
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover           http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key:    http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get

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