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Re: gEDA-user: seems GEDARCDIR not picked up from Makefile

ok, I always speak too fast.. but:

why in the base configure.in do

if eval "test x$opt_rcdir = x"; then
        # path was not specified with --with-rcdir
        # don't set the GEDARCDIR in config.h
        # path WAS specified with --with-rcdir
        AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GEDARCDIR, "$opt_rcdir")

it seems to me that since by default the GEDADATADIR is defined, GEDARCDIR
should be too...
why not do 

if eval "test x$opt_rcdir = x"; then
        # path was not specified with --with-rcdir
        # don't set the GEDARCDIR in config.h
        AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GEDARCDIR, "$gedatopdir")



On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, bruno schwander wrote:

> I am finally doing the FreeBSD port update (to 20010722) and noticed that
> when a prefix is specified at configure time (configure
> --prefix=/home/bruno/...), for installing in a different directory, the
> variable GEDARCDIR is not passed on to the c source files...
> For example, although the Makefile contains the line
> GEDARCDIR = /home/bruno/devel/geda/share/gEDA
> this is not taken in any of the c files thorugh a -D option, or included
> in a .h file...
> same thing for GEDADATADIR
> I think the simplest fix is to add -DGEDADATADIR -DGEDARCDIR to the
> CPPFLAGS (or X_CFLAGS, whichever appropriate)
> bruno