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Re: gEDA-user: Added bus support to gdatabase

Ales Hvezda wrote:

Hi Bill,

I added bus support to gdatabase exactly as I suggested in the previous e-mail. There are also a few new symbols for doing VLSI schematics in the gdatabase/batch/test directory.

Just quickly looking at your description and the attachments,
they looks fine to me. This is pretty much how I figured things would
work for gnetlist.

Sorry about not getting consensus on how to do this stuff first. I need bus support right now, or I can't do my SRAM SPICE simulations tomorrow.

Getting consensus is not an easy thing to do. The best thing
to do is to implement things as you see best and ignore any
non-constructive flames. :->
-Ales "Ask for forgiveness later than for permission first."

Good deal. BTW, I'm beginning to get comfortable with gschem. Very nice work!
