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gEDA-user: Off List post: Free Cypress "PSoC Invention Board"

Hi all,

This post is completely off topic, however as many of us on this list develop 
in the embedded area, I thought you may like to know about a free development
board from Cypress, after all why should I be the only one on this list to get
one  ?

The circuit of the board is attached as a pdf of a Protel pic! For those that
haven't seen a protel schematic before, get a brown paper bag ready (the kind
you find in front of your airline seat)!


There are 1500 units available to the three world areas listed, so make sure
you get your application in soonish if you want one.

Your browser also needs to have Java script enabled I believe.

Programmable System-on-ChipTM (PSoCTM) offers the embedded system designer
a revolutionary new choice; a true System-on-Chip at standard 8-bit MCU
prices.  PSoC offers configurable analog and digital System-on-Chip blocks rather than a set of fixed peripherals.

Common peripherals such as ADCs, DACs, timers, counters, PWMs, and UARTs are
all easily implemented using PSoC blocks.  Functions not commonly found in
8-bit devices, like filters, amplifiers, and random-sequence generators to
name a few, can also be implemented with PSoC blocks.

With one programmable device, the PSoC replaces many other components found
in traditional MCU-based systems and allows the functions to be interconnected
within the device.  Even the pin-out of the inputs and outputs is user-defined.

Apologies to those who already know about this.

Kind Regards
* See my Gnu/Linux EDA webpage at : http://milkstone.d2.net.au/             
* Free Software provided by GNU; http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html 

Attachment: cypress-InventionBoardNewSchematic.pdf
Description: Binary data