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gEDA-user: Re: ANN: new version of gbom - CORRECTION on Location.

n Wednesday 26 November 2003 04:15, Terry Porter wrote:
> Vikki Welch has updated her Bill of Materials app "gbom" and it
> can be downloaded from :


Current versions will be found here.  Apologies for the confusion.

> Updates includes a bug fix for spaces in footprint names,
> some documentation and an example file.
> Gbom uses only Awk which is available on most Linux systems, and
> offers a BOM grouped by component number or grouped by component
> value.
> The output format is flexible and can omit given symbol names
> such as "vcc" by using an gbom.excludes file in the directory
> concerned.
> Gbom takes it's data from the sch file itself.
> Any bug reports gratefully received by Vikki.
> Thanks
Kind Regards
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