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gEDA-user: ANN: new version of gbom
Vikki Welch has updated her Bill of Materials app "gbom" and it can be downloaded from :-
Updates includes a bug fix for spaces in footprint names, some documentation and an example file.
Gbom uses only Awk which is available on most Linux systems, and offers a BOM grouped by component number or grouped by component value.
The output format is flexible and can omit given symbol names such as "vcc" by using an gbom.excludes file in the directory concerned.
Gbom takes it's data from the sch file itself.
Any bug reports gratefully received by Vikki.
Kind Regards
* See my Gnu/Linux EDA webpage at : http://milkstone.d2.net.au/
* Free Software provided by GNU; http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html