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Re: gEDA-user: Editing elements in PCB is too complicated
> Writing letters is better spent than developing projects like
> geda/ronja?
No, if you're going to take the time to write a letter, taking the
extra few seconds to be polite is time well spent. In Karel's case,
though, he seems to go out of his way to make us feel bad about not
doing more than we already are. While we appreciate his feedback, we
can do without this extra effort.
> maybe if you would spend less time writing mails, you wouldn't have
> time to write mails at all because you project gets perfect because
> of additional time spent on it. :D
Well, I spend three hours last night working on PCB's new HID
interface, and a minute or two replying to emails about PCB. It's not
getting perfect any faster because of either of those, though.