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Re: gEDA-user: pcb SMT footprints

Guys -

On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 06:59:11PM -0500, phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I propose the criteria that footprints entering into the footprint database
> meet the _tightest_ pad tolerances -- the smallest available size for the
> highest tech equipment (hot plates, if you will).
> Then, to allow for versatility PCB incorporate :
> 1) grow option on pad/bounding-box sizes (as for pads in PCB)--making pads
> 'longer' heading away from the part center -- this would allow anyone to hand
> solder and/or allow for varying amounts of rework.  A prototype could be
> instantly made more hackable.  PCB could default to a hand-solder setting if
> consensus agrees.
> 2) global "soldering technique modifier" that automates the grow option.   A
> prototype could be instantly made more hackable across the entire board.  PCB
> could default to a hand-solder setting if consensus agrees.
> Maybe PCB could have an "add solder tails to SMT parts" feature--which could
> work on the whole board at once by adding a variable length to every SMT pad
> on the board, or by mouse click.

Good, I'm glad someone else suggested this.  It had occurred to
me, too.  That would be easy to add at the component generation
phase in something like footgen, harder once the pads are independent
entities in the layout.

    - Larry

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