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gEDA-user: PCB: Pad description obsolete?


I tried to move all the components on one side, but I went into several

1. Try in PCB, first tried right click, no menu entry....
   Let's try the "Select" Menu: Move selected elements to other side,
nothing changes...

2. Try vim: ah there is a "solderside" flag, let's delete it(%
s/"solderside"/""/g). Start up PCB, a cool I see descriptions but
solderpads and components stayed on the solderside. 

So, I looked into vim, tried to find out what's wrong with the pad. I
didn't find anything. 

I looked into file format description on
20File , and saw: 

	Pad  = "Pad(" X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Thickness Name PinNumber Flags ")"

        A pad is very similar to a line except it may not be
        disconnected from its element and it has an associated name. Is
        is defined by two end point position, size, name and by some
                           bit 2:  set if pad was found during a connection search
                           bit 5:  display the pads name
                           bit 6:  pad has been selected
                           bit 7:  pad is located on the solder side

When I compared with my pad I found out that there aren't any flags at
this position:

        Pad[-2000 -6500 1500 -6500 6500 3000 9500 "1" "1" "auto,square"]

also the brackets changed.... ( -> [.

So where is it described??


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