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Re: gEDA-user: fork of pcb ?

Heh. . . .  We had a naming discusison about a year ago.  Some folks
favored calling the new, improved [1], GTK  (soon to be HID) version
"gpcb" for "gEDA PCB" or "GTK PCB".   This also has the advantage that
when newbies Google on gpcb, they will get hits about the program
itself, instead of 1e6 links to general info about PCB manufacture.

However, I believe that there was some antipathy on the part of the
PCB developers to a renaming.  I am cool with that since they are the
ones who should decide.  But my question is: what reasons exist
against a name change?


[1]  At least *some* people (me included) think it's improved.

> Steve Meier wrote:
> > 
> > Since, Tim claims version 3, I think version the hid version should be
> > 4. Note their web pages do reference geda.
> > 
> > Steve M.
> >  
> No point in worrying about version numbers.  As long as the products 
> have the same name, it will be very confusing to newcomers and also to 
> distributions, rpm packagers, etc.
> You need to change the name of one of the products.