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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA on a 512MB USB flash disk

Stuart Brorson wrote:
Oh, OK.  Fair enough.  I never assume anybody is using Windoze anyway. . .  :-)


We don't use windows at work and no one at home uses it either. My work and home computer environments are homogeneous - Both the hardware (64 bit AMD machines) and the software (Linux). So, in my (our) case, having a bootable CD doesn't make sense. Besides, even if my machines at home
ere running Windows, we could compile gEDA with mingwin and put that
on the flash disk along with the Linux version.

IMHO, any way you look at it, a bootable CD creates more issues than
it solves. OTOH, a 5GB to 10GB flash disk would work as a Linux bootable
working environment that data could be written to. In essence, I like the convenience of a single device - A CD that I have to keep up with
(That I have to keep from being damaged and I can't write to) in addition to the thumb drive needlessly complicates a simple solution.

Best regards
