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Re: gEDA-user: geda-gnetlist problem

gnetlist -g drc my_schematic.sch
gEDA/gnetlist version 20060906
gEDA/gnetlist comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

Remember to check that your schematic has no errors using the drc2 backend.
You can do it running 'gnetlist -g drc2 your_schematic.sch -o drc_output.txt'
and seeing the contents of the file drc_output.txt.

Loading schematic [/home/nano/spice/my_schematic.sch]
Probably parenthesis mismatch in /usr/local/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-drc.scm
Most recently read form: (define drc:attriblist (#<variable b7e9d198
value: #<procedure drc:parseconfig (port)>> (#<variable b7f100f8
value: #<procedure open-input-file (str)>> attribs)))
ERROR: Unbound variable: drc

gnetlist -g PCB my_schematic.sch
gEDA/gnetlist version 20060906
gEDA/gnetlist comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

Remember to check that your schematic has no errors using the drc2 backend.
You can do it running 'gnetlist -g drc2 your_schematic.sch -o drc_output.txt'
and seeing the contents of the file drc_output.txt.

Loading schematic [/home/nano/spice/my_schematic.sch]

$cat output.net
unnamed_net5    XOA1-3 Vcc-1
unnamed_net4    XOA1-4 Vee-1
GND     XOA1-1 Vcc-2 Vee-2 Vin-2
unnamed_net3    Vin-1 R1-1
unnamed_net2    XOA1-2 R1-2 R2-1
unnamed_net1    XOA1-5 R2-2

gnetlist -g drc2 my_schematic.sch -o log.text
gEDA/gnetlist version 20060906
gEDA/gnetlist comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

Remember to check that your schematic has no errors using the drc2 backend.
You can do it running 'gnetlist -g drc2 your_schematic.sch -o drc_output.txt'
and seeing the contents of the file drc_output.txt.

Loading schematic [/home/nano/spice/my_schematic.sch]
ERROR: In procedure memoization:
ERROR: Mixed definitions and expressions in (begin (define
check-slots-loop (lambda (slots_list) (if (not (null? slots_list))
(let ((this_slot #)) (if (integer? this_slot) (if # #))
(check-slots-loop (cdr slots_list)))))) (if (string-ci=? slot_string
"unknown") (begin (if (or (string-ci=? numslots_string "unknown") (=
numslots 0)) (begin (display "")) (begin (if (integer? numslots)
(begin # # #) (begin # # #))))) (begin (if (integer? slot) (if
(integer? numslots) (check-slots-loop (gnetlist:get-unique-slots
uref)) (begin (display # port) (newline port) (set! errors_number #)))
(begin (display (string-append "ERROR: Reference " uref ": Incorrect
value of slot attribute (" slot_string ").") port) (newline port)
(set! errors_number (+ errors_number 1))))))).

$ cat log.text
Checking non-numbered parts...

Checking duplicated references...

Checking nets with only one connection...

Checking pins without the 'pintype' attribute...

Checking type of pins connected to a net...

Checking unconnected pins...

Checking slots...

I hope that helps

On 11/12/06, Stuart Brorson <sdb@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What happens when you try to run one of the other .scm back ends?  Please
running the drc checker, for example.


On Sun, 12 Nov 2006, nano schultz wrote:

> from the fc6 rpm:
> md5sum /usr/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-spice-sdb.scm
> 0a5101cfb44c19a612a802a35e96853d
> The gnetlist sources i've downloaded:
> md5sum scheme/gnet-spice-sdb.scm
> 0a5101cfb44c19a612a802a35e96853d  scheme/gnet-spice-sdb.scm
> On 11/12/06, John Doty <jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Nov 11, 2006, at 3:29 PM, nano schultz wrote:
>> > On 11/11/06, DJ Delorie <dj@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > > $sum /usr/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-spice-sdb.scm
>> >> > > 34616    81
>> >> >
>> >> > Hmm, different from what I've got:
>> >>
>> >> Note that there are two different versions of sum, which produce
>> >> different results.  Use md5sum instead.
>> >
>> > how can I check it with md5sum?
>> [Tanuki:~] jpd% md5sum /sw/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-spice-sdb.scm
>> e3aa1d675e058db8e7446a3af7b106b7  /sw/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-spice-
>> sdb.scm
>> John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
>> jpd@xxxxxxxxx
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