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gEDA-user: PCB problems under OS X

Hi there,

I'm a new GEDA user just trying to get it all setup under OS X...

I installed the GEDA bundle through Fink, so all dependancies were checked and installed too. GSchem runs fine and I was able to follow the tutorial at : http://members.dslextreme.com/users/billw/gsch2pcb/ tutorial.html

But problems arise when it comes to PCB. I can load in the design okay and the parts are all present, I can also move all the parts around. Where I grind to a halt is loading the netlist.

When I "File -> Open netlist file" and select the netlist it proceeds to another dialog box that lists Net Names and nodes and has a few buttons on it, but I cannot interact with this dialog box.

I have uploaded a screenshot : http://2lostkiwis.com/pcbproblem.png

Clicking on the close button does nothing neither does the checkbox.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? I searched the groups but didn't find anything. And ideas / help most appreciated.

Thanks, Ian.

PS PCB version is 1.99.20060822

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