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Re: gEDA-user: Hello list

Darryl Gibson wrote:
But, I would really, really like my resistors, and diodes standing up, not laying down.

Darryl here are three vertical footprints. I've used them before. I just cleaned them up a little. Let the list know if they work for you.

These foots are named withing the Element tag.  --phil

Element[0x00000000 "R-0W25-vertical.fp" "R?" "" 172500 127500 -5500 4550 0 100 0x00000000]
Pin[-3900 0 7000 2000 8200 2900 "" "1" 0x01]
Pin[3900 0 7000 2000 8200 2900 "" "2" 0x01]
ElementLine [-3900 -4050 3700 -4050 1000]
ElementLine [-3900 4050 3700 4050 1000]
ElementArc [3900 0 4050 4050 90 180 1000]
ElementArc [-3900 0 4050 4050 270 180 1000]

Element[0x00000000 "R-0W5-vertical.fp" "R?" "" 143000 84000 -7500 5100 0 100 0x00000000]
Pin [-5200 0 7800 2000 9000 3600 "" "1" 0x001]
Pin [5200 0 7800 2000 9000 3600 "" "2" 0x001]
ElementLine [-5200 -4400 5200 -4400 1000]
ElementLine [-5200 4400 5200 4400 1000]
ElementArc [-5200 0 4400 4400 270 180 1000]
ElementArc [5200 0 4400 4400 90 180 1000]

Element[0x00000000 "DIO__DO-41-vertical.fp" "D?" "" 172500 127500 -9900 6050 0 100 0x00000000]
Pin[-6200 0 9500 2000 10700 4200 "" "1" 0x0101]
Pin[6200 0 9500 2000 10700 4200 "" "2" 0x01]
ElementLine [-11450 -5300 6200 -5300 1000]
ElementLine [-11450 5300 6200 5300 1000]
ElementLine [-11450 -5300 -11450 5300 1000]
ElementArc [6200 0 5300 5300 90 180 1000]

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