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gEDA-user: clues to m4 out of memory error

  I pushed forward to pcb with the new .pcb file produced
  by gsch2pcb.  The .pcb file created was 6325162 lines long!  

  pcb barfs on the .pcb file with:
    ERROR parsing file '...../board.new.pcb'
    line:        6325139
    description: 'syntax error'

  At line 3060, which was the last element successfully created, I see:
 Element(0x00 "" "" "" 152 50 3 100 0x00)
	 Pad(7 13 30 13 14 "1" 0x00)
	 Pad(7 39 30 39 14 "2" 0x100)
	 Pad(7 65 30 65 14 "3" 0x100)
	 Pad(7 91 30 91 14 "4" 0x100)
	 Pad(7 117 30 117 14 "5" 0x100)

  This continues to  line 6325162 where we see:
         Pad(7 -7424754 30 -7424754 14 "6322075" 0x100)
         Pad(7 -7424728 30 -7424728 14 "6322076" 0x100)
         Pad(7 -7424702 30 -7424702 14 "6322077" 0x100)
         Layer(1 "solder")     <---- this is line 6325139

  Impressive..., a 6322077 pin part.  I'd run out of memory too.

  Is M4 doing something with my part that it shouldn't?

Still baffled,

Roger Traylor

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