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Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20091103 for Gentoo, working on ebuild

On Sat, 2009-11-07 at 14:07 +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:

> --docdir="/usr/share/doc/pcb-20091103"
> seems to generate an obsolete empty directory
> /usr/share/pcb-20091103/

That directory is somewhat of an annoyance on my box.. 

> For gentoo we like to have examples and tutorials in the doc
> directories, so gentoo developers employ these patches:
> #       sed -i -e 's/example//' -e 's/tutorial//' -e 's/ win32//' Makefile.in || die "sed failed"
What is the purpose of the above?
Does it stop the build of those dirs?

> #       sed -i -e 's/DOC=doc/DOC="doc example tutorial"/' configure || die "sed failed"
What is the purpose of the above?

> #       sed -i -e 's/$(pkgdatadir)/$(docdir)/' {example,tutorial}/Makefile.in || die "sed failed"

Does this fix it so it installs in $docdir/example/
                                   $docdir/tutorial/ etc..?

IE. same as the other distros?

I'd support making that change, but I'm not sure what your other sed
substitutions are for.

(Hacking Makefile.in is a pain to follow, since we just need to fix
Makefile.am upstream, and it will almost certainly be a much more
readable fix!)

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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