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gEDA-user: Introducing pschem

(Cc: pschem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

I've been recently working on my own schematic editor, pschem, which
is based on a slightly different circuit design paradigm than gEDA. In
particular, it is built around a design database that abstracts an API
for accessing and manipulating the circuit description. The program is
implemented in Python, to make it as easy to extend as possible and
uses Qt4 for GUI and rendering (the database implementation that is
pure Python code for portability and licensing reasons).

I've been originally targeting this tool for a full custom ASIC design
and a transistor level simulation, hence features like database,
design partitioning conventions, hierarchy, scriptability etc.
However, it is still way too early to tie this program to any specific
flow (in fact, the tool is not yet capable of any real design work).

The source code is available in a Google Code SVN repository (see the
address below). The license is GPL3, except for the database which is
LGPL3. I'd be happy if you could give me some comments or suggestions,
although if they are not gEDA specific it's probably better to discuss
it out of this mailing list (either mail me directly or go to the
pschem mailing list).

Pschem homepage address:

I don't have much time to work on the program right now (or at least
less than I thought I would have when I started the project) so you'll
see that most features are left unimplemented or half baked. If anyone
is interested in joining the project that would be great. If not, feel
free to reuse any part of the design you feel like.

Pschem has some rudimentary support for reading gschem schematics and
symbols. Try typing these commands into the console:
>>> from Database.Reader import *
>>> importer = GedaReader(database)
>>> importer.importLibraryList(
>>>    [['symbolLib1', 'pathToSymbolDirectory1],
>>>     ['symbolLib2', 'pathToSymbolDirectory2]],
>>>    [['schematicLib1', 'pathToSchematicDirectory1],
>>>     ['schematicLib2', 'pathToSchematicDirectory2]])


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