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Re: gEDA-user: Switch gschem to another scripting language?

Dave McGuire wrote:
>    Scheme has been around for 35 years, and Lisp has been around for  
> more than half a century.  Will Python, as nice as it is, really be  
> around in five decades?  Three?  I doubt it.  And for the sake of the  
> overall health of the computer science world, I sure hope Perl isn't.

Another upside to Scheme/Lisp is that the interpreters are very low in
complexity.  So it's probably easier to incorporate those languages into
a program that needs scripting than, say, Perl or Python.

As I see it, the problem isn't with Scheme.  It looks like the problem
is that you can't get at the data you need to do really interesting
things with Scheme in the rest of the gEDA tools, gschem in particular. 
That problem would probably still be there if you merely switched to
Perl, Python, or whatever.

But then again, I haven't tried to use any of gEDA's "scripting
features".  I'm currently just a point-and-grunt monkey.


Bill Gatliff

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