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Re: gEDA-user: Change footprints on finished PCB

2009/11/27 Torsten Wagner <torsten.wagner@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> I just had to change some footprints for a nearly finished pcb (some
> parts was tricky to order from resellers in small quantities).
> I used gattrib which allowed me to change the footprints very easily.
> After running gsch2pcb, I noticed that all old footprints was removed
> from the pcb and I had to load the new footprints into the pcb.
> However, the came as a single big bloob and it took me a lot of time
> to rearrange them to the nearly old positions.
> I am just wondering whether there is a method to replace old
> footprints without loosing the previous position. E.g., if you change
> a SMD part from 0402 to 0603 it is often the case, that there is
> enough space on the PCB and the bigger pads only need slightly
> modifications of the routing. Thus, it would be nice if the footprints
> just get replaced but position and orientation should be kept.

did you see this?



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