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Re: gEDA-user: Change footprints on finished PCB

Torsten Wagner wrote:
> Hi Gareth,
> Hi Stefan,
> thanks for pointing this out. I will try to use it next time for small
> changes. However, I would have to make sure that I change the
> schematic in addition.
> Furthermore, I guess a simple gsch2pcb with different footprints in
> pcb and geschem would overwrite the local changes in pcb, or ?

Yes.  If you are going to use gsch2pcb for another design iteration,
be sure you have as much matching as possible.  I do a check in and tag
with git when I have schematic changes done, and after substantial pcb work,
so I can get back to that state easily.  For a checklist of what needs attending
you can save your pcb file to an interim name, run gsch2pcb just to see the differences
and make a list of them, then go back to the good pcb file and start making changes
in easy ways like text editing as you say below....

> I often work in the pcb-file itself by using a text editor. As fare as
> I understood I can change everthing expect the refdes-names and the
> netlist, without breaking the relation between gschem and pcb by using
> gsch2pcb is that right ? Just frighten that I change something and in
> an weak moment a fast gschem2pcb would destroy all the work.

Make interim versions of your .pcb file.
pcb the file and change footprints with the "new footprint over the old one" method
for doing updates of same named footprints.
Text edit the file  to change footprints to different names,
(when they have same or almost same pad layouts).

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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