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gEDA-user: NGspice and GNUcap Non-Linerar Dependent Sources

Hi Gang,

I've been playing with ngspice and gnucap and have gotten good results with the Non-Linerar Dependent Sources eg ASRC Bxxxx devices in ngspice. I mostly use those with VC-Switches to make full wave bridges, SCRs, Triacs, etc... Though I see that they are not supported in gnucap. I guess the alternative is to use POLYs. I've looked around and except for a short description in the gnucap manual I haven't found a comprehensive howto on how to use them. I sapose you would want a curve fitting program to help you generate the coeficents like grace, or simfit, or you could use the fit function in gnucap. However this isn't supported in ngspice, so you couldn't use that model in both.

Are POLYs really that much better at solving convergence problems to be worth the extra trouble? Is there a good into or howto on how to use them? Are negitive coeficents even legal? Inquireing minds want to know. ;-)


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