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Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL notes on VBOs

Richard Barlow wrote:

> I ran the power-hw board on my machine and achieved around 85FPS.
> Felipe ran the same board on his machine and achieved around 18FPS.
> My graphics card has 1GB of VRAM, Felipe's has 256MB

The good result I finally got with the power board was achieved with 
ATI Radeon HD 4670, 1GB RA. So this fits. I'll test again on the same
box with my old ATI Sapphire card with less memory.

Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
UniversitÃt Hannover, Inst. fÃr Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211	
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover           http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key:    http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get

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