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gEDA-user: a different approach to 3D modeling
Looks like there is no open 3D exchange format that fits the
need of pcb:
a) render a beautiful image of a populated board
b) integrate pcb in a 3D work-flow to fit the board into some
tight space.
The existing formats are either limited to surfaces rather than objects
(STL, VRML). This prevents efficient processing of the 3D geometry.
Or they lack attributes for eye candy (IGES). Or they are overly
complex and geared to completely different use cases (STEP)
It might be easier to do 3D in a different way:
Teach the 3D CAD application how to read pcb files. Then, let
the CAD app retrieve 3D models that correspond to the footprints
mentioned in the layout. Use the 3D engine to render images, or
do mechanical engineering. Also teach the CAD app to export pcb
layout data from 2D shapes.
The pcb file format contains all information needed to reproduce
the geometry of the board in a concise form. Given the ability
of general python scripting within the 3D CAD, it shouldn't be that
hard to write a *.pcb parser. Once the geometry is known to the
CAD app, it can export it to whatever format its engine supports.
If the CAD app can be driven completely by scripting, the conversion
could be triggered from within a pcb menu.
* no need to write import/export functions for general 3D data
exchange formats.
* only deal with well known file formats (*.pcb)
* efficient file transfer to a 3D CAD which keeps names objects
rather anonymous shapes
* no fancy 3D images in a stand-alone binary of pcb
* beautiful images might need blender as a third major component.
* ties to a specific 3D CAD app, which may not be everybodies
favorite choice
Just an idea from my way home...
Kai-Martin Knaak
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