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gEDA-user: Re: Silly PCB question?

Dear All,

Thanks for the answers.

Sorry, I am not sure if I understood what the layers are. I understand
that the board can have no more than two cooper faces (layers). At the
left side of the PCB screen I can see several buttons (Solder, Gnd-Sldr,
Vcc-Sldr, Component, GND-comp, Vcc-comp, unuesed, unuesed, etc.), but I
think I should see only two, if each button represents a layer (cooper 
face) of the board.

Also, when I "autoroute", I end with more than two colors of tracks.

Thanks and sorry for the silliness.

Best regards,


>The diferent colors are the layer in which resides the traces, look a
>the colors in the left pan to identificate the layer.

>Each copper layer is shown with a different color.  Before using
>autoroute, disable the layers you do not want to route on (the buttons
>on the far left, top).