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Re: gEDA-user: Re: Silly PCB question?
Some are the silkscreen (the letters and symbols you see on one or both
sides of the pcb), the solder paste (used when you use surface mounting
devices), 8 phisical cooper layers and the nets, look for a general
tutorial on pcb fabrication or
http://web.wt.net/~billw/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html which is not intended to
be a PCB tutorial but is a very good resource.
El jue, 02-10-2003 a las 15:05, Sergio Luiz Carmelo Barroso - posdoc
> Dear All,
> Thanks for the answers.
> Sorry, I am not sure if I understood what the layers are. I understand
> that the board can have no more than two cooper faces (layers). At the
> left side of the PCB screen I can see several buttons (Solder, Gnd-Sldr,
> Vcc-Sldr, Component, GND-comp, Vcc-comp, unuesed, unuesed, etc.), but I
> think I should see only two, if each button represents a layer (cooper
> face) of the board.
> Also, when I "autoroute", I end with more than two colors of tracks.
> Thanks and sorry for the silliness.
> Best regards,
> Sergio
> >The diferent colors are the layer in which resides the traces, look a
> >the colors in the left pan to identificate the layer.
> >
> >Olgierd
> >
> >Each copper layer is shown with a different color. Before using
> >autoroute, disable the layers you do not want to route on (the buttons
> >on the far left, top).
> >