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Re: gEDA-user: How do I get PNG output?

>I keep getting this:
>** Configuration summary for libgeda 20030901:
>   GLIB library version:             2.2.3
>   GTK+ library version:             2.2.4

	I don't know if this matters in general, but why doesn't your
glib match your gtk+ version?  (this is not related to the libgdgeda

>   GUILE library version:            1.6.4
>   libgdgeda (png output):           no
>   mingw build:                      no
>   data directory:                   /opt/gEDA/share/gEDA
>   LIBGEDA .so version:              19:0:0
>Even tried to configure with a --libdir=/opt/gEDA/lib but still didn't find it

	In the same window/shell as you ran the ./configure for libgeda
run the following ($ is the shell prompt):

$ pkg-config libgdgeda --cflags --libs
$ libgdgeda-config  --cflags --libs

	Both of those commands should succeed and output something.
libgdgeda-config must be in your path and libgdgeda.pc must be in
your system pkg directory or in a directory specified by PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

>The summary for libgdgeda says it has PNG output.

	Yeah, I would expect this.  libgdgeda has found the libpng

	If the above commands succeed then please send me your 
config.log from the libgeda directory via private e-mail. Thanks.
