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Re: gEDA-user: Minor tweaks to partslist package

Hi Ales,

> [snip]
> >I have placed a tar.gz file with the new, updated programs at:
> >
> >http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/gschem/partslist.tar.gz
> >
> >You can do with them what you want; I find it important to have the
> >footprint attribute, and I think that this small tweak will be helpful
> >to others too.
> 	I have applied these changes and they are now in CVS.  
> There is potential that this change may break somebody though.  I'll
> have to keep a watch out for that and if it happens, then I'll deal.
> Thanks.

Thank you!

BTW: If there are complaints about breakage, I have a suggestion:  I
can write a BOM generator combining the good features of bom & bom2 by
Matt Ettus  (i.e. configuration of the output spew via a config file)
with the good features of partslist* by Miyamoto Takanori (equivalent
parts are listed on the same line with a Qnty count, sorting of
results).  Then, you can revert partslist* back to the original
version.  That way, people who are using the old versions of
partslist* won't find their stuff broken.  

OTOH, if there is no call for it, I'll just let it slide.  We already
have 5 BOM generators for gEDA already (!!!), and my philosophy is to
not re-invent the wheel when it comes to software.