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gEDA-user: icarus verilog: IVL_LPM_CMP_EQ not supported by this target

The category of this potential bug is it generates incorrect target code (maybe)

iverilog -o FIRcontroller_1.edif-lpm -parch=lpm -tfpga -Wall -S FIRcontroller_1.v
fpga.tgt: IVL_LPM_CMP_EQ not supported by this target.
fpga.tgt: IVL_LPM_CMP_EQ not supported by this target.

iverilog -o FIRcontroller_2.edif-lpm -parch=lpm -tfpga -Wall -S  FIRcontroller_2.v
gives no error messages

Comparing the resulting edif netlist from each case suggests to me that FIRcontroller_1.edif-lpm is missing the required gates for the compare.

Although, FIRcontroller_2.v looks friendlier to the compiler,
iverilog -o FIRcontroller_2.edif-virtex -parch=virtex -tfpga -Wall -S  FIRcontroller_2.v
ivl: xilinx.c:671: xilinx_logic: Assertion `ivl_logic_pins(net) <= 5' failed.
while FIRcontroller_1.v is OK with a similar command line.

Both files simulate the same if tested with FIRcontroller_tb.v and behave as expected.

Tom Riley
Kaben Research Inc.
tel:    (613) 826 6649 xtn. 112
fax:    (613) 826 6650
mobile: (613) 797 7774
mobile in Europe : 011 358 40 818 4066

module FIRcontroller(reset, ss_s, sample, n_state, clock, db64_clk);

  input         reset;     // reset
  input         ss_s;   
  input [3:0]   sample; 
  input [3:0]   n_state;
  input         clock; 
  output 	db64_clk;

  reg 		db64_clk;

  // Local Registers //
  reg [4:0] 	state_en;
  reg [3:0] 	state_p0;

  always @(posedge reset or posedge clock) begin
    if (reset) begin // initialize
      state_en <= 5'b00000;
      state_p0 <= 4'b0000;
      db64_clk <= 1'b0;
    end // initialize
    else begin      // counting
      if (state_en == 5'd8) begin      
	db64_clk <= ~db64_clk;
      state_en <= state_en+1'b1;
      if (state_en == 5'b11111) begin
	if (ss_s) begin // set state and sample (on next clock)
	  state_p0 <= n_state;
	end // ss_s
	else begin
	  state_p0 <= state_p0+4'b0001;
      end // counting
    end // initialize
  end //always

module FIRcontroller(reset, ss_s, sample, n_state, clock, db64_clk);

  input         reset;     // reset
  input         ss_s;   
  input [3:0]   sample; 
  input [3:0]   n_state;
  input         clock; 
  output 	db64_clk;

  reg 		db64_clk;

  // Local Registers //
  reg [4:0] 	state_en;
  reg [3:0] 	state_p0;

  // Local Wires //
  wire 		try1 = (state_en == 5'd8);
  wire 		try2 = (state_en == 5'b11111);

  always @(posedge reset or posedge clock) begin
    if (reset) begin // initialize
      state_en <= 5'b00000;
      state_p0 <= 4'b0000;
      db64_clk <= 1'b0;
    end // initialize
    else begin      // counting
      if (try1) begin      
	db64_clk <= ~db64_clk;
      state_en <= state_en+1'b1;
      if (try2) begin
	if (ss_s) begin // set state and sample (on next clock)
	  state_p0 <= n_state;
	end // ss_s
	else begin
	  state_p0 <= state_p0+4'b0001;
      end // counting
    end // initialize
  end //always

`include "FIRcontroller_2.v"

module FIRcontroller_tb();

  reg reset,clk,ss_s;
  reg [3:0] nstate,sample;
  initial begin
    reset     = 1'b0;
    clk       = 1'b0;
    ss_s      = 1'b0;
    nstate    = 4'b0100;
    $display(" time   p0   en   c");
    $display(" ----- ---- ----- -");  

    #6 reset = 1'b1;
    #5 reset = 1'b0;
    #5 ss_s  = 1'b1;
    #4 ss_s  = 1'b0;

    #10 $display("");
    #3540 ss_s   = 1'b1;
          sample = 4'b0110;
    #320  ss_s   = 1'b0;
    #5000 $finish;
  always begin
    #8 $display(
       " %5d %b %b %b", 
       $time,  u0.state_p0, u0.state_en, db64_clk
    #1 clk = ~clk;
    #1 clk = ~clk;
FIRcontroller u0(reset,ss_s,sample,nstate,clk,db64_clk);