Tom Riley Kaben Research Inc. tel: (613) 826 6649 xtn. 112 fax: (613) 826 6650 mobile: (613) 797 7774 mobile in Europe : 011 358 40 818 4066 |
module FIRcontroller(reset, ss_s, sample, n_state, clock, db64_clk); input reset; // reset input ss_s; input [3:0] sample; input [3:0] n_state; input clock; output db64_clk; reg db64_clk; ///////////////////// // Local Registers // ///////////////////// reg [4:0] state_en; reg [3:0] state_p0; always @(posedge reset or posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin // initialize state_en <= 5'b00000; state_p0 <= 4'b0000; db64_clk <= 1'b0; end // initialize else begin // counting if (state_en == 5'd8) begin db64_clk <= ~db64_clk; end state_en <= state_en+1'b1; if (state_en == 5'b11111) begin if (ss_s) begin // set state and sample (on next clock) state_p0 <= n_state; end // ss_s else begin state_p0 <= state_p0+4'b0001; end end // counting end // initialize end //always endmodule
module FIRcontroller(reset, ss_s, sample, n_state, clock, db64_clk); input reset; // reset input ss_s; input [3:0] sample; input [3:0] n_state; input clock; output db64_clk; reg db64_clk; ///////////////////// // Local Registers // ///////////////////// reg [4:0] state_en; reg [3:0] state_p0; ///////////////// // Local Wires // ///////////////// wire try1 = (state_en == 5'd8); wire try2 = (state_en == 5'b11111); always @(posedge reset or posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin // initialize state_en <= 5'b00000; state_p0 <= 4'b0000; db64_clk <= 1'b0; end // initialize else begin // counting if (try1) begin db64_clk <= ~db64_clk; end state_en <= state_en+1'b1; if (try2) begin if (ss_s) begin // set state and sample (on next clock) state_p0 <= n_state; end // ss_s else begin state_p0 <= state_p0+4'b0001; end end // counting end // initialize end //always endmodule
`include "FIRcontroller_2.v" module FIRcontroller_tb(); reg reset,clk,ss_s; reg [3:0] nstate,sample; initial begin reset = 1'b0; clk = 1'b0; ss_s = 1'b0; nstate = 4'b0100; $display(""); $display(" time p0 en c"); $display(" ----- ---- ----- -"); #6 reset = 1'b1; #5 reset = 1'b0; #5 ss_s = 1'b1; #4 ss_s = 1'b0; #10 $display(""); #3540 ss_s = 1'b1; sample = 4'b0110; #320 ss_s = 1'b0; #5000 $finish; end always begin #8 $display( " %5d %b %b %b", $time, u0.state_p0, u0.state_en, db64_clk ); #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; end FIRcontroller u0(reset,ss_s,sample,nstate,clk,db64_clk); endmodule