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Re: gEDA-user: icarus verilog: IVL_LPM_CMP_EQ not supported bythis target

It seems from here there are two ways to go:
  1. somehow steal the implementation that synthesizes "wire try1 = (state_en == 5'd8)" into gates, or
  2. add code that generates valid EDIF netlist elements for LPM_COMPARE
For our purposes either approach would work; the downstream tools I'm targeting should handle either output as long as it was valid EDIF describing a netlist of LPM modules.

I'm sure Stephen has an opinion about which is the Right Thing to do. I'm also curious to know why sometimes the comparison gets synthesized and other times it's handed off for output as a module.

On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 23:53, Ming Deng wrote:
It seems to me that continuous assignment in "wire" statement

        wire try1 = (state_en == 5'd8);

is tended to be compiled into BUF, INV and AND gates while procedural 


or "if" statement in procedure 

    if (state_en == 5'b11111) begin

are tended to be compiled into LPM_COMPARE and LPM_CONSTANT devices. But 
unfortunately most LPM_COMPARE devices have  not been implemented yet.

Ming Deng

Stephen Williams wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Ming Deng wrote:
> | I ran the sample file on Icarus Verilog 0.7, got the same result.
> |
> | After taking a briefly look into the code,  I found there were no any
> | comparators implemented for fpga-lpm. See the following snippet from
> | tgt-fpga/d-lpm.c
> The -tfpga -parch=virtex supports more stuff then the default
> LPM family. It's simply a matter of filling in the table that
> you discovered in the d-lpm.c source file.
> - --
> Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
> steve at icarus.com           But I have promises to keep,
> http://www.icarus.com         and lines to code before I sleep,
> http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."
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