I'm designing a simple microcontroller board -- 4-layers, with ground
and power (+5V) planes, to reduce noise. The board will have a 16MHz
AVR microcontroller, which is by far the highest frequency that ought
to be going over any traces. There are also analog inputs feeding
into peripheral ADC's, connected to the AVR via SPI (running at less
than 1MHz; probably 125kHz), some other peripherals on the I2C bus
(running at 100kHz), and two serial interfaces (one RS232 and one
RS485) running at less than 100kHz. Almost everything will be surface
mount, with the exception of connectors, jumper blocks, and some
low-power solid state relays (kept well away from noise-sensitive
As others have mentioned, you are WAY over-engineering this (but
that's hardly ever a bad starting point). You don't mention the
resolution you are aiming for, or the source signal level /
impedance, or how long the lines to your sensors will be. Many things
have been mentioned already in this thread, just wanted to
add/re-emphasize a few things: