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Re: gEDA-user: PCB is extremely slow

On Oct 7, 2005, at 1:30 PM, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
I am editing Ronja Twister
And it sometimes takes 30 seconds to redraw (during which PCB doesn't
react). My machine has 1500MHz CPU and 0.5GB of RAM and nothing
CPU intensive is running there besides.

Do you have also this problem? Is it possible to optimize PCB somehow
to not grind down this way? I can't imagine making a 8-layer motherboard
in this, it would take like 1 year to redraw...

Someone ought to ship Karel a nice UltraSPARC...It runs great on my Ultra-60. =)

Though I must say the gtk version is FAR less responsive than the Xt version...the price we pay for nicer user interfaces.


Dave McGuire "You'll have to be a lot more specific than 'that
Cape Coral, FL girl last night.'" -Ted McFadden