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gEDA-user: Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(): pixmap must have a colormap

Title: Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(): pixmap must have a colormap

Hello all,

after installing the last geda-install-20050830.iso
with some problems on a SONY VAIO NB with Suse 9.3,
it shows now a warning, working with geda and gschem:
''Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(): pixmap must have a colormap''
It looks like the main pull-down-menus at geda and gschem have no background color/image.
If i put the mouse pointer above the menu entries i can see the highlighted menu point.


Lutz Geis