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gEDA-user: [pcb-gpmi] scriptable exporter


Today I've finished the first working version of the scriptable HIDs. The
external hid feature and related patches recently added by DJ enables the
scriptable exporter to load in a clean way.

Currently it is capable to register exporters written in any script
language supported by GPMI (ghli(pascal), lua, perl, php, python, ruby,
stutter(lisp) and tcl). It generates enough events so the script can
produce the desired output. For now only a very simple test script is
provided which simply prints the names of the layers and lines on stdout.

Software requirements:
 - the CVS version of PCB 
 - the lib for the script language(s) you plan to use (tcl8.4 for the test
 - the svn version of GPMI (svn://svn.libpgmi.org/trunk)
 - pcb-gpmi (http://inno.bme.hu/~igor2/tmp/pcb-gpmi-1.0.2.tar.gz or

There's a Readme file in doc/ which describes the installation process
step by step.

Test results, suggestions, feedbacks are welcome.



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