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Re: gEDA-user: Board fabrication -- outline

Em Ter 10 Out 2006 09:52, John Luciani escreveu:
> On 10/10/06, Stefan Salewski <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > My questions:
> > What is the right way to generate the outline for the board
> > producer?

My vendor asks for a 10 mils line around the board.
IN THEORY he cuts the board exactly in the inner edge of that line, so the 
line does not appear on the board when it is ready, but he never do it. So, 
it is important to never touch any lines or pins or anything else that can 
made a short circuit.

> > Should I rename the gerber files? (I think name of
> > board.group0.gbr should be board.front.gbr, this name was used
> > in pcb documentation)

Yes, to my vendor it is only important to make the name clear. Fortunatelly 
pcb 20050830 still names the layers as bottom and top, so I dont have to 
change any names, except for the plated holes because my vendor does not know 
what a unplatted hole are :)

> > Should I send all .gbr and .cnc files to board fabricator?

Send him the files that are necessary, like bottom, top, frontsilk, frontmask, 
bottommask, etc.

> > Is it necessary to send more informations to  board fabricator?

I allways to say how much important is to have that board on time, or as soon 
as possible (sometimes I have to implore with knees, when that doesnt work, I 
offer to pay double...)

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