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Re: gEDA-user: Orcad binary file format

Stuart Brorson wrote:

Does an EDIF<->gschem translator exist?
Would it be ridiculous to write one?  (Anybody can step in here and
say, "Well, you could write one, but you would never get the library
interface to Orcad to work because they don't document the frozbazz
interface and that is absolutely required", etc...)
Would this be of use to anybody else in the universe?
Any other thoughts?

The problem is that EDIF is just a netlist format, and doesn't hold info about the actual component's symbol (like is it a box, triangle, where are the pins, etc). As such, any schematic you create from it would be confusing at best.

Are you sure that EDIF (for some version of EDIF) doesn't contain graphical info too? I thought it could but I could be wrong.

On the topic of EDIF, there is a patch on sourceforge to allow loading EDIF netlists into PCB. I glanced briefly at it. Mostly what I need to do is contact the author of the edif parser and see if it is ok for inclusion in a gpl-ed program.


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