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Re: gEDA-user: newbie, couple of Q's about gschem

On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 18:10 +0100, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Monday 15 October 2007 17:27:43 Chris Albertson wrote:
> > Gschem's primary purpose is schematic capture.  If what you want is
> > publication quality schematic drawings use XCircuit.
> > http://opencircuitdesign.com/xcircuit/.
> I'm afraid that this is just not true.  It's entirely possible to 
> produce "publication quality" (whatever that is) diagrams in gschem, and 
> indeed I have done so, for reports etc.  I admit that it is hard to do so 
> using the standard symbol library -- but I have a separate library I drew for 
> the purpose.
> I've also done some electrical diagrams for reports using Inkscape, which 
> worked surprisingly well.
>                         Peter
I think Chris's angle is the font/symbol line 'quality' (can't think of
a better term) A good parallell is computer generated music scores.
Most MS free/cheap packages produce a technically correct score that is
awful for a musician to read. Lilypond OTOH, produces a score that is
*much* easier for a musician to read.  It emulates the 19th century
score engraving craftmanship where score 'readability' reached it's

I suggest that symbols can be made a lot prettier at the cost of
complexity.  eg, an arrowhead consisting of 3 lines is 'draft quality',
but When I did engineering drawing in high school, a dimensional
arrowhead was a carefully constructed wedge - edges were subtle curves &
not straight lines.

my 2x bob

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