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Re: gEDA-user: PCB needs alternate grid

On 10/23/07, Ben Jackson <ben@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm routing some 8/8 busses.  I like being on a big grid to snap to
> pads, but I need to get on a small grid, like 1mil, in order to route
> traces at the 8/8 spacing.
> What I really need is either a smarter grid (eg it interacts with the
> auto-DRC) or at least a modifier (or even toggle) key to quickly swap
> grids.
> Any thoughts?

A smarter grid grid would be extremely useful.

I like to place parts using a 25mil grid and route with a 5mil grid.
Having a part move
snap to 25mils and trace routing snap to 5mils would be nice. Having
silkscreen moves
snap to 10mils would be handy as well.

Also being able to have different color dots or symbols for the grid
would be nice.
For example --- a grid that is displaying dots spaced 5mils apart
having every fifth dot with a different color or shape would be handy.

Since we are talking about grids and spacing it would be nice to be
able to establish
a datum for a PCB and have coordinates referenced against that datum.

(* jcl *)


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