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Re: gEDA-user: How do I better proportion objects on screen?

Barry Demers wrote:

>    representative "A" size sheet, maybe a "B".  In any event, the

It's arranged as A size, but gschem symbols are large for that.  Using a B size
works better for most people.

bring in a connector symbol (a 6 pin single inline) and egads,
>    its(with great exageration) 1/4 of my drawing space!  Needless to say,
>    I'd like somehow shrink the symbol, or increase the workspace, or
>    something, so that I can get just a little more onto the drawing, like
>    some of the parts that the connector connects to.

See http://gedasymbols.org/user/john_griessen/
for symbol generators for more compact symbols and B-size title block for
more on a page.  I use 11 x 17 inch printouts sometimes...

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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