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gEDA-user: How do I better proportion objects on screen?
I am just starting out here, and am quite excited about this suite. I
do need some help in composing my first schematic, so perhaps someone
can tell me where to find in the help docs, or maybe tell me directly,
how to best handle this scenario:
Using gschem, I start a new page and up comes a sheet complete with
title block. The grid is set to 100,500. This is great but based
only on how the title block looks, I'm guessing this is a
representative "A" size sheet, maybe a "B". In any event, the
available construction area seems a bit too confining. A little more
"breathing room" would be nice. Should I consider drawing the
schematic first and then adding a border and title block? This would
mean defeating the auto page setup done at the intial page load
Back at the initial empty default screen excepting border and title, I
then bring in a connector symbol (a 6 pin single inline) and egads,
its(with great exageration) 1/4 of my drawing space! Needless to say,
I'd like somehow shrink the symbol, or increase the workspace, or
something, so that I can get just a little more onto the drawing, like
some of the parts that the connector connects to.
As I mentioned I have cruised around looking for something that may
help out here, but so far have come up empty. I am sure that this
issue can be dealt with very easily, its just that I am too entry
level to determine the best way for this, though I am leaning toward
the completely empty screen to start with.
Any hints?
Thank you,
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