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Re: gEDA-user: PCB layers questions

jbump@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> I'm using version 20080202 (because that's what's in the repo I use.)

What repo?

> When I try to add a new layer, it refuses unless I add the layer into 
> or above one of the three component-associated or solder-associated 
> layers.  (component, gnd-comp, vcc-comp; solder, gnd-solder, 
> vcc-solder)  Once I do that, it associates my new layer with either 
> component or solder, even if I go to 'groups' and click on a different 
> group number: it reverts to the layer in which it was originally 
> created as soon as I close the prefs window.

Although your version of pcb is pretty old, this is likely not the only 
cause. Back, when this version was shiny and new, I never experienced the 
kind of problem you described. Maybe there is some 

> Aside from that, I also don't know how to get pcb to produce gerbers 
> from new layers that I add.  If I delete gnd-comp and add a new layer 
> called 'outline' -- which it sticks under 'component' and associates 
> with that group, as above -- it doesn't produce a gerber for my new 
> layer, separate from the 'component' gerber.

Given, that the new layer is  in the component group, this is the expected 
behavior. The export produces a separate gerber file  for every layer group. 

> What I'd *like*, is a fab notes layer to which I can add text, 
> including board dimensions, and an outline layer that contains nothing 
> but the board outline, in addition to top, bottom, silk top, silk 
> bottom, since my pcb production system requires both of these.

Note, every layer except silk and outline will contain the holes and pins in 
the gerbers. This is a consequence of the current concept: "All layers are 
copper, except for special magic ones". A switch to a more generallayer 
concept is one of the long term goals ...

> Any suggestions/online resources for help?

a) Edit the default layer stack in $HOME/.pcb/preferences with a text 
editor. The relevant lines start with "groups = " and "layer-name- ".
Excerpt from my preferences:

groups = 1,2,3,c:4,5,6,s:7:8
route-styles = 
library-newlib = ~/geda/footprints:$PWD
color-file = /home/kmk/.pcb/colors/kmk
layer-name-1 = top
layer-name-2 = top.-poly.
layer-name-3 = top.-GND
layer-name-4 = bottom
layer-name-5 = bot-polyg.
layer-name-6 = bot.-GND
layer-name-7 = comment
layer-name-8 = outline

b) Download the current source with git and compile the application
 yourself to /usr/local/bin . The developers tend to refrain from using 
bleeding edge libraries. So you might well get away with the *.dev packages 
from your 2008 repo.

Hope, this helps, 

Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211	
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover           http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key:    http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get

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