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Re: gEDA-user: GPLv3 question

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 9:17 PM, John Griessen <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm looking at using libopenstm32 for ARM chips, and wonder what GPLv3 does
> about your ability to sell a system with code in it.  Can you sell it
> without
> a complete tool chain?  In other words is my compiler cross compile output
> a covered work when I use a GPLv3 library like libopenstm32?

Write the developers to get a license other than GPLv3.

> I'm thinking this library makes any code you make with it GPLv3.
> And if you don't use a GPL library, just the GPL compiler,
> your output can be sold, distributed
> without any source code.
> Correct?

Should be true, but I know that at work we avoid later versions of GCC
and use GCC compiliers with GPLv2 licences.

In otherwords if you have IP to protect, see a laywer, if you have
legal questons with GPLv3 see a lawyer, see where I am going?

read up here....  http://lwn.net/Articles/343608/

Look into LLVM, as a compilier cholce, don't know if you arm target is
suppoted, but there is a good chance since it's an ARM and Apple has
done a lot with LLVM and ARM chips for the iPhone and friends ;-)


//Soap box

GPLv3 prevents comercial companies putting resuorces into GPL
software.  It opens leagal issues and causes them to look elsewhere.
I support v2 but not v3 because it struck a good balance.  Alas, now I
am prohibited to work on GPLv3 code at work, I won't even submit bugs
till I get home.  I now can only work on it at home, so my ability and
desire to help GPLv3 projects has gone down.

// end Soap box

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