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gEDA-user: batch testing gschem features


I want to make some documentation regenerate itself with different
versions of gschem. it outputs EPS figures using a script like this:

(load "gschem-lightbg")

(output-orientation "portrait")
(output-type "extents no margins")
(output-color "enabled")
(output-text "ps")

(paper-size 0.0 0.0)


(gschem-postscript "dummyfilename.eps")


The hard part is to force the color map with light background; in newer
versions (since geda-1.5.2) we use
(load (build-path geda-rc-path "print-colormap-lightbg"))
for this purpose.

Perhaps the right way would be to test which script works,
however, when "gschem -s test.scm test.sch" is invoked
with the "wrong" script, it breaks the script execution, and
I have to close it manually.

Then I thought that the right script can be determined
parsing the version string:
echo "(gschem-exit)" > quit.scm
gschem_version=$(${GSCHEM} -s quit.scm 2>&1 |grep version|sed "s/.* //")
and so on. this approach worked at least since geda-1.1.2.
unfortunately, since geda-1.5.3 gschem doesn't output
the version to stdout. it probably means that the sequence
will break when the commands to load the color map change again.

Any ideas?

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