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Re: gEDA-user: coordinate systems [was: pcb crooked traces]

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:49:11AM -0700, joe tarantino wrote:
>    ...and pcb is the only CAD program I know of, that does like this
>    I've run across other PC layout tools which do this.  Mechanical CAD
>    tools usually have (by default) Y+ pointing up, but for some reason PC
>    design tools occasionally have Y+ facing down.  I don't remember any of
>    these tools justifying their (less common) choice of convention
>    however. :)

The reason for it is that this is generally how drawing canvases work,
so from a programmer's perspective, it is simpler to have y pointing down.

I remember learning to draw function graphs in grade school, and being
surprised that y went up because I had used QBASIC for many years before

Afterwards, I had to remember to put -y everywhere when using Qbasic as a
graphing calculator.

Andrew Poelstra
Email: asp11 at sfu.ca OR apoelstra at wpsoftware.net
Web:   http://www.wpsoftware.net/andrew/

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