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Re: gEDA-user: How to connect pads to anything?

Markus Hitter:
> Whatever I try, pads can't be connected to anything. Not on
> the solder side, not on the top side, not to vias.

The footprint pads might be on the "component" side.

> What's the secret?
> The most simple footprint I tried looks that:
>         Element["" "Solder Jumper on the solder side" "JUMPER_SOLDER" ""
>         10 10 -5000 5000 0 100 ""]
>         (
>         	Pad[2200 -1500 2200 1500 3600 3200 2000 "1" "1" "square"]
>         	Pad[-2200 -1500 -2200 1500 3600 3200 2000 "2" "2" "square"]
>         	ElementLine [ ...
>         )

If your traces are on the solder side, try to add onsolder after
square, like

  Pad[2200 -1500 2200 1500 3600 3200 2000 "1" "1" "square,onsolder"]

There is also under "Edit->Move to current Layer  M", but I haven't 
been able to move a footprint to the solder layer with that.

/Karl Hammar

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