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Re: gEDA-user: Iverilog support SWIFT models??

(Moving this conversation to geda-dev..)

mjarabek@istop.com said:
> The PLI interface seems to be implemented in the module lmtv.o, that
> is shipped in the smartmodel lib directory.  An `nm lmtv.o' reveals
> the following undefined symbols:

Most of those acc_ and tf_ functions are indeed supported by
Icarus Verilog, in the libveriuser library. Those that are not
can be added, I don't see anything there that is not implementable.

The slm_* functions are indeed mysterious, and could prove to
be the show stoppers.

mjarabek@istop.com said:
> Most are either C library functions or PLI functions.  So, if the
> Icarus Verilog has all these tf_* and acc_* functions swift is in
> business.

It's a start, indeed. This kind of hacking will need to be done
by programmers with legitimate copies of models.
Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at icarus.com           But I have promises to keep,
steve at picturel.com         and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."
