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gEDA-user: Help with PCB
Dear All,
I suppose that PCB is not a part of gEDA, but I don't know where else I
can get help about it.
I am trying to create a new "element" (component). I follow the
instructions at the PCB documentation, that I will reproduce here:
"The fourth way to create a new element is to convert a buffer's contents
into an element. Here's how it's done: Select the Via-tool from the Tool
pallette. Set the grid spacing to something appropriate for the element
pin spacing. Now create a series of vias where the pins go. Create them in
pin number order. It is often handy to place a reference point
(!Ctrl<Key>m) in the center of the first pin in order to measure the
location of the other pins. Next make a solder-side layer the active layer
from the active-layer popup menu. Now draw the outline of the element
using lines and arcs. When you're done, select everything that makes up
the element with a box selection (<Btn3Down> drag, <Btn3Up>). Now select
"cut selection to buffer" from the Buffer menu. Position the cursor over
the center of pin 1 and press the left button to load the data into the
buffer. Finally select "convert buffer to element" from the Buffer menu.
You'll only want to create elements this way if they aren't already in the
library. It's also probably a good idea to do this before starting any of
the other aspects of a layout, but it isn't necessary. "
My question is where does the new element go to, after a select "convert
buffer to element"? Following the instructions above, when I select
"convert buffer to element", the new element that I spent "hours" drawing
desappears, and I don't know where to find it. ;-(
Thanks for the help,
Best regards,
| Sérgio Luiz Carmelo Barroso |
| Department of Cosmic Rays and Chronology |
| Physics Institute Gleb Wataghin |
| State University at Campinas - UNICAMP |
| Campinas - SP - Brazil |