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gEDA-user: Problem with PCB . . .

Hello everybody,

I am working on creating a first layout from a schematic, and am
running into problems.  I created a schematic called
"TrialLayout.sch", and have used gsch2pcb version 1.0 to create the
board file.  I am following the wonderful instructions written by Bill
Wilson, available at:


(Thank you Bill for the outstanding contribution!!!!!)

When I run pcb on the resulting board by saying "pcb
TrialLayoutBoard.pcb", I get a pop-up box with the following error: 

ERROR parsing file 'TrialLayoutBoard.pcb'
    line:        66
    description: 'parse error'

Line 66 is immediately after this section of the board file:

Element(0x00 "0805" "Rload" "10k" 140 0 3 100 0x00)
	ElementLine(0 0 0 90 10)
	    ElementLine(0 90 120 90 10)
	    ElementLine(120 90 120 0 10)
	    ElementLine(120 0 0 0 10)

	Pad(28 28 28 62
							36 "1" "1" 0x100)
	    Pad(92 28 92 62
							36 "2" "2" 0x100)

	Mark(28 45)
--> Line 66 is here.

I don't see any problems with this stuff like unmatched parens, unless
all the \n characters are giving PCB an upset stomach. 

I have placed my .sch, .net, and .pcb files at:


I would be very appreciative if somebody could take the time to look
at them and tell me what I have done wrong, if anything.


p.s.  The schematic, TrialLayout.sch, doesn't necessarily implement
any function intelligently; I "borrowed" the page from a larger
project and munged around with it to create a learning vehicle for