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gEDA-user: postscript --> gschem/pcb

I extended pstoedit to support gschem and pcb output. See 
my website:

Quoting my README:

This is a version of pstoedit (see http://pstoedit.net) with support
for gschem and pcb output.  This should make it easier to add logos
and artwork to schematics and pcb layouts.

There are no options for scaling. This must be done to the postscript
input.  Fills are not supported yet.  I may make a pass at this for
pcb output.

For an example of output, see lm7805.sym.gz.  This is the first page
of Fairchild's LM7805 datasheet as a gschem symbol.  Notice that
bitmapped graphics are not supported.

All changes are released under GPL.

markrages@mlug.missouri.edu 2004
You think that it is a secret, but it never has been one.