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Re: gEDA-user: Final call for testers!

> The first problem I had is that I could not get the 20050828 install to run.  
> I was able to run the 20050825 install--I probably ran it ten times--but the 
> 828 install gave me this error:

Please try the latest:  20050830, which I placed (without
announcement) at: 


I believe I should have fixed the Glade problems (below) plaging you.

> > /media/CDROM/installer --log
> I/O error : Input/output error
> (installer.exe:12254): XML-CRITICAL **: Document is empty
> (installer.exe:12254): XML-CRITICAL **: Start tag expected, '<' not found
> (installer.exe:12254): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_string_free: assertion `string != 
> NULL' failed
> I/O error : Input/output error
> (installer.exe:12254): libglade-WARNING **: did not finish in PARSER_FINISH 
> state
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "installer.py", line 4636, in ?
>     LogWindow = GlobalTextWindow()
>   File "installer.py", line 401, in __init__
>     self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML (gladefile,windowname) # This creates the 
> window tree.
> RuntimeError: could not create GladeXML object

I froze the 20050830 installer with the correct version of Glade (I
hope), so these problems should be gone.

> Because I ran the installer many times, I must say that it would be nice to 
> have a way to restart or to skip the parts that were successfully completed, 
> because it takes a lot of time to work through the gaf install every time.

SOmeday I will re-write the thing to offer you a pick-list at the
beginning of the install so you can select what you want and what you
don't before you do the entire install.  That would help you a lot.

> Good job, Stuart.

Thank me when it runs correctly for you!  :-)

Anyway, if you could be so kind, I would appreciate it if you could
try the 20050830 edition and see if your Glade problems are gone?  If
they are, then I will stick the CD onto the gEDA main download site.

Thanks for all the input!
