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Re: gEDA-user: OT: Mechanical Cad for Linux

On Tuesday 06 September 2005 10:37 am, Stuart Brorson wrote:

> The QCad binary version was pretty nice, and -- in the brief period I
> played with it -- appeared to be professional and polished.  Drawing
> lines, boxes, and circles can be accomplished in a number of ways,
> which is good.  I couldn't figure out how to automatically dimension
> anything I drew however, and I couldn't figure out how to enter shapes
> by typing sizes or coordinates (instead of drawing with the mouse).
> Has anybody else figured these out?  Or are they possible?

QCAD works as advertised and the support is great. As far as 2D cad packages 
go, you can't beat it. We use it. Someone mentioned QCAD not being able to 
produce 1:1, this isn't so - The problem lies with your printer and not QCAD.
You need to use a high printer designed for mechanical or press output. 

We need a cad package that can do 3D - QCAD isn't a 3D cad package (But it is 
a great 2D package).



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